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Squirrels Stories

Squirrels Enjoy Seasonal Vegetables

Squirrels Enjoy Seasonal Vegetables

Spring has come!

This tree in my backyard suddenly started having new sprouts and flowers this month. And my squirrels have been busy eating them! LOL! Although the spring overslept for a few days this year compared to last year. The very first flower came out on February 1st last year and it happened on February 3rd this year.


This squirrel is one of the new faces at my balcony cafe :) He’s very shy. I tried to feed him but he ran away onto this tree and hugged the branch as if he was saying

“I need a hug!!”


After having enough cuddle time, he started eating those new sprouts.

Here is the video:


Watching squirrels is very relaxing for me. I love hand feeding them but also love to watch them in their natural habitat.

Thank you for reading!


What's Nancy Rose’s Dream?

What's Nancy Rose’s Dream?

Wow wow wow!! I got so excited when I saw this comment from Nancy Rose!!😆😍😂


Just in case, for those who don’t know who Nancy Rose is, she is the author of The Secret Life of Squirrels. She takes amazing photographs of squirrels with her fantastic hand made dioramas. I truly admire her work. I also love photography and crafting but I don’t have the patience she does😂

Last year, luckily, I got an opportunity to meet her in person (on Zoom though!) I sincerely wanted to have a fun squirrel chat with a squirrel lover, but not just a squirrel lover, someone who’s as crazy about them as me. So I contacted her and asked if we could have a squirrel chat. Not an interview but just a casual chat. And she kindly said “Yes!”


It made me so happy!

Check out our conversation!


Since then, Nancy and I keep in touch on Twitter, Facebook and Email.

This was just a dream but maybe she subconsciously wants to visit me?😆 I would love to meet her in person some day. Anyway, I felt joy from hearing that she dreamt about meeting me and my squirrels and that's everything for me😌

And here is my reply to her :)


Thank you for reading!


Why Do Squirrels Grind Their Teeth? It's called bruxing (from bruxism) Are they angry?

Just like us humans, squirrels have facial expressions. They smile when they eat and they have look serious when they hear warnings.

One day, I saw this face. One of my balcony squirrels, Summer, did this when she looked relaxed. 

Summer is grinding her teeth.

Summer is grinding her teeth.

Here is the video of her lazy day:

She looked more angry than happy and relaxed, so I asked my fellow squirrel admirers why this might be:

Here are the answers:
1. Squirrels do this when they're relaxed.

2. Squirrels do this when they're in pain.

I know that these are contradictory emotions, so you need to figure out which one it is from their posture and context clues.

 3. Squirrels are constantly grinding their teeth when they eat, and they even grind their teeth in their sleep because of growing pains.

The third reason makes sense, but I still can't associate the face Summer made with a feeling of relaxation! Anyway, I'm so happy I found out that she wasn't angry at me.  I guess this is one of the squirrels' relaxed facial expressions and I’ll just have to get used to it! :)

Thank you for reading! Have a squirreltastic day!